notes from the girl next door

Saturday, March 26, 2005

when troubled minds speak ...

"most of all let love guide your life" colossians 3:14

now i'm not one to quote the bible so don't get your panties in a twist. but that is my favorite quote from any source. it is framed and hangs above my bed to remind me that this is how a good life is lived. and i truly believe that if you do let love guid your life. you can never truly go wrong.

so what prompted that?

there's been this little shit lately about quotes. so i just wanted to put mine on record.

and what i said earlier... about believing that you can't go wrong with this ... yeah i know ... letting "love" guide my life is what got me into a marriage ala shit, however, if i hadn't let love guide me there and let fate take a hand.. i never would have met the boy. my boy (and i don't know why i call him that since he is every bit a man ... except he is the boy for me.. excuse my girly interlude) so yeah, i believe that if you let love guide your life it will get you where you belong. eventually.

but all those pitfalls you make a long the way.
god sometimes they are canyons. i'm so tired of crossing canyons. i could do with a fat donkey just about now to carry me up the other side ... i'm sure i can find my own way down. every word is a landmine and the footholds are loose. i just slide down the rock face every time a little more scarred and wounded, but more determined than ever not to have to do it again.
the time is coming.

i'm tired and i'm angry and i'm hurt.
i get so angry sometimes i think every blood vessel in my head will pop at once.
and there's no way to rage. so i swallow it like a bitter pill.
and it hides somewhere .... lurking around

why do people who once claimed they love us now love to hurt us?
and they do it in what they think are the most childish of ways. things they think are funny and cute. it's drama.

"here i don't get your attention in an adult way, so let me create some childish nonsense so you will pay attention to me"

they do it.
everyone does it. i'm sick of it. grow some fucking balls people!
fucking amateurs.
can you tell i'm in a semi manic rage of head clearing?

i'll leave you with the last get happy song on the playlist

"i'm moving to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches"


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