notes from the girl next door

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

the bible is scary dude ...

my mom cracks me up sometimes.
just now she she told me "the bible scares the hell out of me, did you know what a violent book that is?"
ummm, yeah mom, i did.
it seems mom has been watching this show on cable called "mysteries of the bible" and the more she watches the more she is convinced that the bible is full of violence. today the topic is satan and hell and the concept of purgatory. so while taking a break from painting i flipped it on just in time to find out that as someone who has participated in illicit sex dante would put me in the second ring of hell. i'm so glad to know where i'm going to end up. *laughs hysterically*

purgatory didn't come around til the middle ages when the catholic church and the monarchies needed money to finance holy wars. pretty simple, eh? just buy your way in. no need to have your soul saved, just save your money and give it to the church instead.

the protestants are outraged with the concept of purgatory. of course they say all suffering for sin ended with jesus on the cross. so purgatory needn't exist at all.

and of the 6 billion people in the world, this program says 1 billion of them (mostly in china and russia) have no religious conviction whatsoever. they have no belief in the afterlife, there is no religion.

just an observation really, if you are willing to believe in heaven and hell, then you should be willing to believe in witches and ghosts and zombies, because how do you know they don't exist either? i'm just sayin...

i love my mom, i'm so glad she provided me with just the laugh i needed this afternoon.

now back to your regularly scheduled program ... or painting in my case :)


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