notes from the girl next door

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

if i were a painter ...

nora jones has this song from her first album... the painter song, if you've never heard it before, it's worth a listen. that song is going through my head this morning because today is the day i begin painting in earnest.

it's actually really early here 7:38. i woke up all on my own at 6:50 and rolled out of bed ready to start this day with a goal in mind. i need to get a lot of painting done today, at least the priming so i can start with the real paint tomorrow, because tomorrow afternoon the furniture is coming.

i'm excited to be so close to finishing this project, i really, really am.

i won't by any means be 100% finished, there will still be floors to do and windows to paint, but the main thing that i wanted accomplished will be done and when it finally is i will breathe a huge sigh of relief.

at some point today i need to sit down and pay bills and attempt to call the cable company again to come and do my hook up so that i can get rid of this dsl that i hate so much. between the idiot router and the idiot dsl box i am having a hard time with staying connected lately, hopefully the cable connection and the installation of the new router will help all that.

the oldest child was upset with me last night, but i am going to let her be upset. she called close to 9 pm wanting me to bring her the cell phone charger because her cell was on half a battery and she still had calls to make. okay, she's 13, she's not making life or death phone calls here. and i was already in my pjs and i had already had a long day and so i had no qualms about telling her the answer was no. she was rather peeved and i'm sure she will attempt to punish me today with attitude out the ying. but i am prepared to deal with it. i am determined not to take the bait to argue with the child today, i have far too many things to do to fall into that trap.

it may actually rain here today ! it is in the forecast and that should really cool things down for us if it happens. i am sooooooo ready for cool weather. hell, anything that is under 90 degrees at this point would be considered a break in the heat. we've been under a heat advisory for well over a week now and it sucks. they are actually saying that the overnight low for tonight will be 59 degrees.... my heart just skipped a beat... that's actually fall weather. i would love to be able to sleep with my window open tonight and let the cool air blow in and air out the house.

well good people... i have priming and painting to get busy on, which means i have to go out and do recon and make a list of where to start and what to do next. i need to gather all the furniture together and lay my supplies out. and (this is the part that makes all my friends and the boyfriend happy) i am going to eat some breakfast! painting is hungry work so i am thinking sustenance is definitely in order.

have a great day peoples!


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