notes from the girl next door

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

free thinking tueday

well ... i didn't get as much done today as i would have liked, but ya know... what the hell...
i mean really, what is going to happen? nothing, except i will have to work harder tomorrow. it's no big thing, some things didn't come thru for me where i had to depend on other people, so tomorrow i'll adapt and change and get some prep things done that need to be done.

i did do some good things today though :)
i helped my boy with a project and that made me feel really good !
he does so much for me, more than i could ever put into words for anyone to understand. we all need our cheerleaders, we all need that someone to believe in us without fail, and to love us without finding fault and he is the best at that. i mailed him a little present today. so yeah, i did do some good things today.

i took mom out, that was good.
i won two movie tickets and i'm going to give them to the soon to be ex to take the child to the movies for her birthday. this is a karma thing, he can't afford anything so this is something he can have to take her to. it's all good.
i laughed today and remained calm in the face of aggravation.
nothing was a big deal.

and i realized something.
when my brain is not focused on trying to solve a million little crises i can think about other things. random thoughts are allowed to process and i can just relax and free think just a little...

so random thoughts for the day. dave navarro looks like the devil. boys who have that yummy devil look are so so sexy. my boy has that yummy devil look.

and my rant...

i'm sick of hearing this crap that once somebody cheats on their spouse they will always cheat... the circumstances of adultery are not absolute, they are situational. we are programmed to fulfill certain needs in our lives and if we can't fulfill those basic needs we will find ways to have them filled. that's why people cheat. i suppose there are "serial" cheaters. i mean, i know there are. i think there are two kinds of people who cheat, those who are prepared to leave their spouses and start a better life, the ones who are really done, and then the other ones, the ones who just cheat on their spouses for sex or thrills.

i don't want to hear anymore about "cheating". cheating means there has to be something there to begin with. you can't cheat on what you don't have. and if you are abandoned, then really, what is there to cheating? that's just on my mind lately from somewhere, some random thing made me think of it.

i want money to go to my favorite mexican restaurant... i have the sudden urge for monterrey cheese dip and hot fresh fried chips. i think i could eat mexican food everyday and be happy.

i need a monday and tuesday vacation at my the boys house so i can read my harry potter book. it wouldn't work on a weekend because he would be home and not working, and i think i'd take the hot monkey love and hanging out time over harry potter.

do you realize if i get 2 bux for every video tape i have at the garage sale i'll make about $320 bux from that alone? that's huge and scary at the same time.

i'm looking to clean up from this sale in more ways than one, i'm getting rid of all this stuff i don't need, i'm getting rid of a lot of baggage and i'm gaining a lot of space and a lot of cash at the same time. this is a very good trade. i'm trying to think ahead here... of the big picture, of the big move...

but right now my head is getting fuzzy and i'm getting sleepy in that good way

enjoy that big, shiny moon outside.


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