notes from the girl next door

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

not so fucked

so things are things.

there are so many very stressful things going on in my little world right now, but hey i'm hanging in. and i just keep smiling and laughing about it when i can, because you know, that's all i can do sometimes. i've had a headache for about 10 days running save for a blessed sunday reprieve.

i am trying to compartmentalize it, because if for one moment i allow one to carry into the other, then i would have total chaos in my life. i have to leave the work at work and the home at home. it's amazing really that nobody at work has a clue about what goes on once i leave there. one person whom i trust has a slight inkling but she really has no deep down idea.

sometimes i think nobody really has a deep down idea.

i can look at my life and say "hey, that's fucked up there" or think that really, it's not so fucked up after all. but mostly i look around and think i have it better than a lot of people. i have this one part of my life that is so completely happy and wonderful. i'm so emotionally fulfilled, i'm so secure in what i have. i don't need to question the foundation or the reality of my relationship or the depth of the emotion involved... i know what it is. and when i think of all i have ... then it's really not so very fucked up... it's not anything i can't get through.

that's what love does to us ... it makes us feel like there's nothing we can't get through.


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