notes from the girl next door

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


well again, i am rising almost as early as the sun, and all on my own without the help of an alarm clock.

it's a beautiful, crisp morning here. it is a sunny, breezy 58 degrees outside and i have my window open letting the fresh air blow inside. i love weather where you can have the windows open. it makes everything better. i love fresh air versus air conditioning, and if i could live somewhere cool enough year round to live without fake air conditioned air it would be so much the better. so i'm going to keep the windows open for as long as mom can stand without getting hot and let the cool air just blow in.

i have to make a morning trip to lowes.
the little diva goddess princesses are helping me finish the living room today, which means that they will be helping me paint. so i am going to have to go and get more roller handles and one more paint tray to eliminate the fighting that will come because i only have the one. i intend to do the cutting in and then let them roll out the walls. i'm not sure what it will come out looking like, but i did promise them that they could help and i'm not about to back out on that promise. they've been looking forward to it all week, especially the baby. she is an artiste, with the heart of an artiste and she has a vision for this wall of apricot.

so yeah, the living room.
and i am getting my "new" furniture this evening. i say "new" because it's only "new" to me. it's coming not from a store, but instead from the basement of a really good friend of mine. a single lady who is in her late 50's. she has never had kids, or pets, so i'm sure the furniture is in great shape and just not in style any longer, which is more than fine. i can slipcover it if i want to. the point is i'm not having to buy new, which i can't really afford right now anyway.

it's kind of funny, really. my life in this house seems to have come full circle. when we first moved in here, (we, being the first husband and myself), we didn't have money for brand new furniture and so we took whatever was given to us by way of family and friends. and now i am right back where i started, taking whatever is given to me by family and friends. it doesn't bother me to be starting over again, because at least whatever i do here now is mine, and mine alone. i can look at it at the end of the day and know that i did the work on it and i'm the one who put the labor into making it what it is.

just for the record, i hate painting ceilings and the tops of the walls. why, oh why, did i have to be born with the short gene in my family? i have a brother who is 6'4" and a sister who is 5'9" or so, and yet here i am 5'4" and losing valuable inches every day.

okay i've rambled enough.
i have to get the walls and ceiling in that room done.
i have to get the floors completely clean today and ready.
i have to get that room ready for furniture that's coming tonight. and finally, finally, i will be able to sit in my living room and look around and know that i have accomplished something real and lasting.


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