notes from the girl next door

Monday, June 06, 2005

the return...

item one: i am sick. he is sick. we have been sick together. and might i add, we survived it amazingly well. you know it's the first time you are sick with someone it's kind of like a little mini check. it's life telling you, in sickness and in health, it goes both ways, anyone can be happy in the good times... but being sick together is a little harder. and you find out about the person you are with and they find out about you. sickness has a way of humbling us all, and when all of our shininess has been stripped away we find ourselves at our most vulnerable. there are embarrassing moments in sickness that are vanished away by a lover's memory and replaced by a new tenderness. it is a tenderness borne of shared hardship and nurtured by the caring of two people as they care for each other. i will cherish these days i found out that tender secret.

item two: upon returning home various things were in disarray. kitchen destroyed. plates not just replaced, but all existing plates thrown out (extra nice) financial crisis of sorts, a medical crisis, and a small family feud in the brewing. this is just the news i need to hear (heavy sarcasm) but it's okay, i can deal. i'm sick right now and i need to heal up, so the time will do me some good, and it's a short amount of time i can work with. it's actually a caution i need. i have the best strategy going to take the checkers on this one.

item three: today was possibly the worst day of travel or being sick i can ever recall. i filled two barfbags with kleenex and napkins on the plane. i had 4 sudafed, a claritin and 2 irish coffees (for the cough, you know) and my eyes were watering so badly it looked like i was crying... by the time i got on the plane i was in a full body sweat, even my hair was wet, which is so unlike me, then the pilot cranked the air on after takeoff and boom i was freezing. i wish i had thought about putting a pair of socks in my bag to keep my toes warm on the plane. and i was eternally grateful i didn't have on any of my low rider panties or my thong with my capris as much shifting as i had to do to get comfortable. everybody on that row would have been on crack. i couldn't sleep because i was sneezing and blowing too much, so i read, the sisterhood of the traveling pants, a 300 plus page book in 2 hours, not bad. i have read so much in the past week, i feel so good about it, and all of my reading has been award winning stuff, good reading.

item four: i cooked for him and cleaned for him and did laundry for him and i loved every minute of doing for him because he appreciates me and he loves me. and he does things for me, he takes care of me, he makes time for me and i'm important to him. and so to do those little things for him makes me happy because it's my way to show him how important he is to me. and in the end ... isn't that what keep love going? knowing you are important to someone and them to you ... so important that you never take them for granted.

item five: i'm exhausted and have coughed my brains out and i'm going to drift off to sleep now. and when i close my eyes i will hear "just relax baby" because that's what i'm so used to hearing now ... and i will drift off happy, and smiling when i sleep.


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