my opinion on cheating and just rambling the hell on
and i don't want to call my boyfriend because he's napping i think because he has a sinus headache and i think he's crashed out ... i don't want to disturb him :(
plus i don't know how long i'm going to be motivated to stay up ... it could just be 15 minutes for me to ramble here and then i'll be ready to hit the hay ... you know how i am when i get all cluttered ... i need to write things down.
life is a pill lately. a bitter bad pill.
it's kinda like the gods are mad at me or something and then a little something good will happen and it will be "okay i just squeaked by that one"
it's kind of like living in a war zone with the shells just barely whizzing by your house
or like playing bumper cars and only getting nudged or getting missed completely
and the sad thing is ... i don't even know what it is or how to stop it.
events spin out of control. things i have absolutely no control over.
i keep telling myself the only thing i can control is my reaction to them.
this too shall pass. i'm certain of it.
when i feel like this... so overwhelmed and not feeling good (because i have strep too thank you)
i sometimes talk to myself like i'm the only one listening
and ... okay...
its super weird and i know it will end up getting me made fun of or committed
but i like to pretend i'm famous and i'm being interviewed
and my opinion on things is soooooooo important that people want to hear it
my god! they are on the edge of their seats to hear it!
(you know this all goes on in my head)
so i start asking myself these questions
"what is the most pressing problem facing our nation today, and why?"
"is it more important to orgasm first or for your partner to orgasm first? and why?"
stuff like that
and i answer myself
(yes this is still in my head; i only do it out loud in the car sometimes)
so the question i ask myself now is
"is it cheating to have an online relationship, even if it's never physical? and why?"
to answer this question properly, one must first define "cheating". yes if you engage in physical sexual relations of any kind with someone other than your significant other then, in my opinion, it is cheating. i think that's pretty much a given.
then there are other kinds of cheating.
you can also mentally cheat your partner when you give someone else space in your brain. if you are sitting around thinking about your on line lover all day then yes, you are cheating. because you are no longer thinking about that which you once held most sacred above all things, your love of that person.
and lastly, you can emotionally cheat your partner. quite simply, if someone else is on your mind all the time and you are chatting to them during the hours sometime, you have little time to fulfill the emotional needs of your partner.
i'm sure you have heard it before "no man can serve two masters and satisfy both"
it's not just about online romance
cheating is other things as well
if you work so much that you cannot emotionally, mentally or physically give to your partner, then you are cheating on them with your work
if you have an addiction that robs them of you ... you are cheating
and no, i don't live in a glass house
i would never throw stones, because i cheated
and i was cheated on in many different ways before
and i grew up with parents who were cheaters, my lord; my father was a serial cheater
perhaps that's why i'm so opinionated about the subject
(and this is where i smile at the interviewer)
i think everyone should have their own definition of what they believe cheating is, but the one sure thing i think you should do is lay out your terms before you jump into a lifelong relationship. don't marry someone who thinks cybering is okay if you think that even talking to a member of the opposite sex without your knowledge is a no-no. just lay it out in the beginning.
you know, before you are seriously involved with the psycho.
(mild laughter)
well i'm about tired now.
i'm chilled to the bone though.
something is bugging me and it's the fact that the kitchen is a mess.
it's the teenage child's responsibility to do this and she has not done it because she has the cramps (the never ending ailment of all teenage girls), and yet, she wants to go to a party til 1:30 a.m. hmm. not til her chores are done i'm afraid.
i think my boyfriend is right ... i am a milf.