notes from the girl next door

Saturday, June 25, 2005

useful information from the little red book

it's amazing what scientists will spend money to study.
i just read in "the little red book" produced each year by "the week" that scientists have found that serotonin levels in the brain do fluctuate when people are in love, thus it is true that being in love does make you crazy.

okay, we needed a study to prove that?

hmmmm ...
so let's see, being in love impairs decision making and makes you unable to think...
so why don't we ticket people for driving when they are in love and have an accident just like we do when they drink and drive? i mean, after all, they are impaired.

more nonsense they needed to study...
pot smokers get lung cancer just like cigarette smokers.
hmm. let's see... i think regardless of the substance, isn't it all a bunch of toxins and carcinogens going into your lungs and other systems? no, i can't see the common sense factor there at all.

two studies i found interesting and comical ...
why men are afraid of committing to marriage, now this one was laughable.
one study found that men who won't get married say that they won't because they are able to get sex without getting married so marriage holds no advantage for them. oh my god, i can't believe it ! you mean what grandma said about "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" was really true ??????? i guess so granny. and they have proven it now.

the second study said that most men don't get married because they are looking for their "soulmate" and that they don't view women who they meet in bars or who have sex with them before the 5th date to be marriage material.

okay... back the truck up.

study one indicates they want sex ... study two indicates in order to marry they don't want sex.

exactly what the fuck is it that men really do want?

all i can think of is that they really must have studied some weird control groups of men for these "scientific findings".

it's all pretty laughable isn't it? we have big issues like cancer and ms and other diseases and our scientists are doing love research and research on why men are non committal.

i did glean one key bit of information from the little red book, a little article on "how to sulk".
apparently, there are 3 important steps to good sulking, which the little red book calls an "emotional strike action".

step 1: out of sight is out of mind. you can stay in the same room but you have to ignore the other person and pretend nobody else is there. (yeah, i can do this pretty well)

step 2: do not have any eye contact with the person you are sulking against. this is bad. if they do something that might make you laugh or smile then you have lost. and once you have unsulked, you cannot resulk.

step 3: a sulk can last anywhere from 7 minutes to 7 years. According to the London Guardian, you should only stop sulking when you have achieved the perfect blend of complete attention, physical reassurance, and a major admission of guilt and selfishness.

okay, now stop and ask yourself... did they really need to print these directions for any woman in the world?

didn't think so *smirk*


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