notes from the girl next door

Friday, August 05, 2005

bitch list 101

it's early and i am cranky ...
so here's my bitch list before i start the day ...
think of it as my purging exercise

  • mother nature is a cunt and i wish menopause would kill that whore soon because i loathe and despise her.
  • my sister is a bitch who refuses to listen to anyone that makes any sense
  • i work for a narcissistic prick who thinks that only his time is of value, so i didn't get paid for any of my own time at work this week because he chose to spend our site money on other things
  • my own procrastination has pissed me off because i'm disgusted with the amount of things i still have to do to be ready for next week
  • i desperately need a little me time to get some personal things done and there isn't any in the schedule

well okay, i guess that's the end of the list because i'm out of time and i'm out of things to bitch about. i must say i feel better. maybe i'll actually make it through the day without chewing someone's head off like a praying mantis does after they mate. i can't promise anything though.


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