notes from the girl next door

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

the best ideas come at midnight ...

i love this midnight :-)

i'm on the hunt for two articles of clothing.
the top to a tankini and a certain dress.
i have searched through 5 storage containers.
why do i have to open them if they are clear?
i shoulda licked the damn things while i was at it, but i had to be sureee they weren't in there.

and the sad thing is, i'm so obsessive, tomorrow i will go through them again. plus i'll go through every other thing in the house until i find them or give up.

i'm on a deadline here people !

but that's not why i'm up at midnight.
you see, we have no cable this evening.
and the two other inhabitants of this house cannot live without the television and so they are finding it hard to be distracted. in fact, they sleep with the television on. i know it's a horrible habit i've let my child fall into. but she fell into it with him. sneaking up after bedtime to watch tv with him, and he allowed it, so i had two children. but i'm off topic...

so since we have do not have cable...
they are watching dvd's and i'm on this scavenger hunt.

and then i had this brilliant idea.
i swear to god they are like flashes of light sometimes.

maybe it is god ...
"here, i hid your dress from you, but you can have this brilliant idea instead"

ummmm gee, thanks.

i dunno, i'm looking around and i think that with strategic recon missions by the child we can locate said dress. the swimsuit top may have to be a casualty, and really, it's no big deal since i have another that i like just as well.

and still !

i got the brilliant idea out of the deal.

and no i can't talk about the brilliant idea :)
but it's gonna make a pool shark i know very happy

and now back to the closet, because i just know that damn thing is in there !


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